Day Hikes
Day hikes are great when you do it with friends or in a group. It is also enjoyable when done in solitude, enjoying the sound of the birds, the breeze, and all the other sounds mother nature gives. Day hikes usually take around 4-10 hours. It is best to do day hikes early in the morning to enjoy the spectacle of the rising sun on a mountain top! Below are the ultimate destinations for day hiking in New Zealand:
- Roy’s Peak
- Mt. Taranaki
- Coromandel Coastal Walkway
- Hooker Valley
- Mt. Holdsworth
- Cape Renga-Te Werahi Twilight Loop
- Rangitoto Summit Track
- Trotter’s Gorge
- Avalanche Peak
Overnight Hikes
These hikes usually take a day or even days to finish. There is usually a set trail for every hiker to follow. There is a station/campsite located at certain distances where hikers can rest for a while. It recharges every hiker, giving him or her the drive to push on to the final camp, and back. Below are the best Overnight hiking targets in New Zealand.
- Mueller Hut Route
- Mount Cook National Park
- South Island
‘Lord of the Rings’ Hike
If you are a true “Lord of the Rings” fan, you will find that these destinations match the magnificent scenes from the movie.
- Mt. Sunday (Edoras, the Capital City of Rohan)
- Tongariro Alpine Crossing (Mordor)
If you are from a ETA New Zealand visa waiver country, traveling wouldn’t be a problem. You must also be a holder of a New Zealand ETA (Electronic Travel Authority) Visa. As they say it in New Zeland: “Kite wawe koe!” For some helpful guides, check this website https://www.etanewzealand.ca/
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